So, What’s Next?
I predict the next phase of the operation to neutralize and defeat the United States of America will surprise many Americans, but not the Kremlin watchers around the world. The next major plateau as the United States is played in the long game by the Russian Federation is a major, critical event and it won’t be long until JD Vance will be President of the United States.
Donald Trump is simply a means to an end and has been played brilliantly by the long term planners in the Kremlin, but Trump’s usefulness will end early in the current administration. JD Vance will be in place well before the next Presidential election and Donald Trump be relegated to a symbolic figurehead with an as yet unknown value.
Russia has other scenarios in play, but none so intricately successful as the controlling the Office of the President of the United States.
There are two scenarios under which the transfer of power will occur: One if Trump remains a popular asset, and another if Trump becomes an embarrassment or other type of liability.
Scenario One – Asset – The Good, Popular Trump
Version 1 – Trump will resign in honor, perhaps with undisclosed health issues, after ensuring he is insulated from any disciplinary action from any court in the world. He will be an inspirational icon, a continuing, influential asset.
If Trump doesn’t resign as planned, he then threatens to alter the now maturing, long term Kremlin strategy. If his popularity threatens the success, then:
Version 2 – Trump will suffer a debilitating event – perhaps a stroke – where he will be honored and revered by all but being incapacitated, he will not speak again and must be removed from office. He will be a sympathetic icon, another asset, and will be pressed as another quasi-religious icon and memorialized the way Stalin and Khrushchev were in the early years following their deaths.
Version 3 – Trump simply dies in his sleep of natural, but hitherto undisclosed causes. Again, He will be a sympathetic icon, another asset, and will be pressed as another quasi-religious icon and memorialized the way Stalin and Khrushchev were in the early years following their deaths. This appears to be the simplest, preferred solution to his failing to vacate the position of President as ordained by the Kremlin.
Version 4 – A horrible accident befalls a Presidential convoy that is absolutely the fault of a traitor who dies at the same time as the President. He will be a political martyr, another asset, and again, and will be pressed as another quasi-religious icon and memorialized the way Stalin and Khrushchev were. This would be the preferred method if armed insurrection must be used to maintain status quo.
Scenario Two – Liability – The Bad, Unpopular Trump
Version 5 – The least probable solution, albeit still in the Kremlin playbook, an adamant, boisterous Trump ignores the planning and direction of the Kremlin, who have successfully controlled and manipulated knowledge of even his bed-wetting/urination problem, leaves Putin no choice. Trump will commit “Russian Suicide.” This would be the worst use of his recruitment and position as he would be viewed as a loser, a liability, and because it would undermine the pillars used to raise him to this level, it would prevent the full usage of his planned martyrdom. This will be a last step measure as it generates the least amount of usage from Trump’s position and would signify the probable failure of the Russian subliminal movement.
Putin and his regime will not tolerate the actions that would invoke Version 5 unless failure of the massive, decades long project is eminent as it would be a huge waste of an opportunity to not use Trump as a martyr after his death. It would be the most threatening to them if it were not presented as a reinforcement to their newly-established world presence. If Trump makes the emotional, self-indulgent decision that compromises or alters the Kremlin’s fifty year old plans, he will be removed in a way that most benefits the American public opinion of the Russian Federation.
After Vance takes office, it won’t be long until:
The Christian Ten Commandments will be incorporated into the Constitution by amendment even though the real God of the Republican party is money.
The absorption on the former United Kingdom, successfully forced out of European Union by the Russian led, sacrificial Brexit, and its territories, including Australia but excluding perhaps Canada, become unwilling US territorial assets.
Europe will be dismantled by the current political wing of the Russian GRU using similar, now well proven tactics as it used in leveraging the facade of pseudo religious subversion to power in the US.
China and North Korea and their world-wide indebted allies will align and denounce the Russo-American complex in a “surprise” move that the neurotic Putin plans to attack using the newly acquired US forces. Europe will be splintered and not aligned with either force as it too will be sacrificed for Mother Russia. Sound like fiction? I hope you’re taking notes. Karl Marx was absolutely correct about capitalism and religion.
Remember, we sold them the rope.
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