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2010 - Letter to the Editor - Revisted

Kudos to who ever found Ken Huber’s old letter to the editor of the Iosco County News written back in March of 2010 and re-posted it to the Internet again nine years later. Huber, a former assistant city manager of White Bear, Michigan, asked in his old letter, written back when the liberals had been in the Presidency for almost two years, “Has America become the land of special interest and the home of the double standard?” Well, nine years after being first published, our President Trump has finally drained the swamp and set Washington DC on the straight and narrow path, I certainly hope we’ve corrected the liberal problems Mr. Huber identified in his letter.

Huber complains: “If we lie to Congress, it’s a felony...” Well, not anymore it Isn’t! Our President Trump changed that in a heartbeat! Lying to Congress, or anyone else for that matter, is now done on a daily basis. Sarah Sanders has mastered the skill to the point where Huber must be tickled pink. Today, the White House can lie to anyone at anytime and do it with impunity!

His next complaint - “If we dislike a black person, we’re racist and if a black person dislikes whites, it’s their 1st Amendment right” - was solved quickly and forcefully by President Trump when he called the champions of white independence at Charlottesville, Virginia, “Good People.” No more coddling blacks, now they get shot just for traffic stops and common thievery!

Based on Mr. Huber’s comment, “If we dislike a black person,” one easily deduces Mr. Huber is white. I assume he relies on his experience in his hometown of Tawas City, Michigan, - population 1,827 at the time he wrote the letter – as an example of how the 1,770 upstanding white citizens were getting tired of being pushed around by the thirteen African-Americans who lived in his fair city. I can imagine when those African-Americans teamed up with the sixteen Asians, the four Native Americans, and the handful of people listed as "other races," they created a powerful voting block that must have ruled this northern Michigan town mercilessly. It was about time the poor, mistreated whites stood up for themselves!

Huber is just getting started, fed up with mollycoddling criminals and ignoring their victims when he hits a real sore point with Michiganders: Homosexuality! Apparently it's taught in public schools up there! And he’s right in the next sentence, too. It’s about time somebody ignored the US Constitution and started teaching their own version of religion in public school using my tax dollars even though I don’t believe the religion he wants to teach. Church and family just isn’t getting it done anymore!

Wow, there is so much more to comment on, and he touches on many important issues, including censorship, mass murders, Korea, pornography, and my very favorite: only supporting the Constitution when it fits our personal needs. He certainly hit the nail on the head with that one. 

 George Mindling


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