Ken Ham, president of Answers in Genesis1, who earned his Bachelor of Applied Science with an emphasis in
environmental Biology at Queensland Institute of Technology, and a
diploma in Education from the University of Queensland, Australia,
founder of the Creation Museum in Kentucky, a privately owned
museum charging $30 admission, recently debated “Science Guy”
Bill Nye, a graduate of Cornell with a Bachelors of Science degree in
Mechanical Engineering, – and an unsuccessful competitor on Dancing
With the Stars – and drew a world-wide audience. They
debated the origins of earth and our life upon it. The debate was
creationism, a belief based on the Bible, versus evolution which is
based on science and observation.
Unfortunately, many viewers failed to understand the debate, simply
waiting for confirmation of their preconceived beliefs. According to
their respective supporters, both Nye and Ham delivered the
definitive answer. Sorry, but I disagree. I watched the debate on and re-watched it on and decided Bill Nye
graciously pulled his punches, while Ham delivered the inadvertent
knock-out punch. I'm not sure why Nye failed to drive the nail home,
so to speak, other than concern for his opponents feelings, a trait
inherent in people who are truly concerned with civility in a
confrontational environment, but Ham accidentally did it for him by delivering a simplistic, unequivocal oath, a denial of learning. Ham inadvertently turned off his own lights.
Personally, I believe Nye did not do our country any service by allowing a man who believes the earth is only 6000 years old to credibly debate him in an International forum in the first place. Even staunch conservative media supporters such as Fox News have recently reported the Bible may in fact, not be factual.2 Not many people, regardless of their devotion to the Bible, believe the Earth is only 6000 years old as does Ken Ham. The Bible, written by over 60 authors three hundred years after the death of Jesus Christ, five hundred years before the invention of paper, and altered by kings and Popes many times over since to fit their individual needs, has never been high on my list of historically accurate documents. I consider it more a collection of parables, much like Aesop's fable. In the Bible, Exodus 21, not only is slavery condoned, but the procedure to sell your daughter is outlined for you. The discussion and competition of biblical interpretation has been going on for years, although I seriously don't understand why.
Personally, I believe Nye did not do our country any service by allowing a man who believes the earth is only 6000 years old to credibly debate him in an International forum in the first place. Even staunch conservative media supporters such as Fox News have recently reported the Bible may in fact, not be factual.2 Not many people, regardless of their devotion to the Bible, believe the Earth is only 6000 years old as does Ken Ham. The Bible, written by over 60 authors three hundred years after the death of Jesus Christ, five hundred years before the invention of paper, and altered by kings and Popes many times over since to fit their individual needs, has never been high on my list of historically accurate documents. I consider it more a collection of parables, much like Aesop's fable. In the Bible, Exodus 21, not only is slavery condoned, but the procedure to sell your daughter is outlined for you. The discussion and competition of biblical interpretation has been going on for years, although I seriously don't understand why.
Do I insult those I disagree with when discussing religion? Probably,
but not intentionally, although at times I'm tempted to comment on
people who believe in superstitions as a replacement for science.
Faith to me may be an intrinsic part of a person's character, but not
a mandatory component. I do not judge those who do not believe in a
superior being as deficient in character. After all, I don't believe
it either. Those people who want to convert me to their religious
beliefs fail to understand that not only do I not believe in God,
their God, but in any God, period. I do not believe mythology has
any place in my life.
When these people “discuss” the origins of life, they are not
discussing the same subject as I am. They are simply repeating dogma
they have been taught by rote since childhood without regard to
evidence. Their beliefs have been drilled into them since the very
beginnings of their memory and any thought, any evidence that
contradicts their established world is heresy. Heresy is an
incredibly religious word. Without religion, there would be no
heresy. Without heresy, there would be more doubt, curiosity,
discovery, invention, exploration, education, and advancement of
knowledge. With heresy, we have witches burned at the stake.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and the same rights extend
to voicing that opinion. With that right comes the need to
intellectually defend your position should it be challenged. I don't
mean by name calling and personal insults the way it's done on
American television. If you don't have anything but faith, then faith
is your answer, and that should see you through. Faith will be
your core belief and it will see you through all your emotional
needs. I know a deep personal belief in something other than atoms and molecules is needed to sustain human despair through times of emotional upheaval. You do need to know, however, what that faith is dependent on. Remember, faith is the suspension of intellectual process, the
acceptance and belief of someone else's promise. To me, when you
put your life in someones else's word, you are lost. If you can not
decide for yourself what your soul is or what it means in this
physical, conscious world, you will be forced to accept the dogma,
the residual superstitions of our past religious structures.
Ham unfortunately discredited the entire debate by stating unequivocally he would not change his mind regardless of facts because he is a Christian, while Nye said he would consider evidence. That, in a single sentence summed up the entire "debate."
Your faith may be dependent on the solemn word of your mother.
Perhaps your whole family prays together using the same psalms and
hymns, the very guidelines and instructions used by your
grandparents, and their parents before them. Just remember if you go
back far enough, the world was flat and whales ate people. To believe
the world is flat in today's society would take an awful lot of
faith. Many people, however, still believe whales not only eat
people, but let them build fires deep inside their huge, cavernous
bellies. That thought alone should be a wake-up call.
We are also guaranteed freedom from any religion dictating how we believe. That includes any, and all, religions. We are a diverse country, insulated from the rest of the world by our religious beliefs, as is any country that holds their religious dogma to be superior to the laws of man.
Being taught a religion is a very personal process, dependent mostly
on our upbringing and love and trust in our parents. Our parents, who
loved and trusted their parents, ad infinitum. Unfortunately, while
the Greeks figured out the earth isn't flat some five hundred years before Christ, God didn't bother to tell his followers. Or, if he
did, he waited over 1200 years to do so.
That was the point Bill Nye failed to make.
to Wikipedia: Answers in Genesis (AiG) is a non-profit Christian
apologetics ministry with a particular focus on supporting young
Earth creationism and a literal interpretation of the Book of
The organization has offices in the United Kingdom and the United
States. It had offices in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South
Africa, but in 2006 these seceded to form Creation Ministries